All Our Kin Collective Programs

Story Center

At Story Center we create spaces for listening to and sharing stories to help build a just and healthy world. Our public and custom workshops provide individuals and organizations with skills and tools that support self-expression, creative practice, and community building. We worked with ten Native American students at Fort Lewis in the fall of 2022 to surface their stories about how language has shaped their sense of identity. In June 2023 we will work with fifty more students who will be creating 3- to 4-minute digital stories about the impact of the Language Revitalization Collective on their personal growth and learning. These stories will be shown as part of the Language Revitalization Institute’s final symposium at the Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum.

We hope that by going through our workshop process students will:

  • develop deeper connections with other students and faculty
  • become more fully aware of the impact of their Native languages on their lives
  • learn media-making skills that will benefit them in the future
  • learn multi-modal authoring skills
  • exercise their creativity in creating these short, reflective videos, using their own words and images
  • understand that their lived experiences are important